Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How To Increase Penis Size

Is it possible to increase penis size at all? I know you've been searching for answers but you must know by now that it is virtually impossible to make your penis any longer or wider than it already is. That's why I've developed this site... To show you the only real way is the next best thing.

What treatments are there to increase penis size?

Written by Dr David Delvin, GP and family planning specialist and Christine Webber, psychotherapist

Many companies claim they know how to enlarge your penis – for a very high price.

We have recently been to several medical conferences at which leading experts have spoken about penis size and penis enlargement.

Their opinions on the various methods that are so widely advertised to the public can be summed up as follows.

  • Pills or patches for increasing penis size: a complete waste of time. 
  • Penile enlargement surgery: of uncertain value and sometimes dangerous. 
  • Penile enlargement exercises: probably pretty futile. 
  • Penile suction devices: probably of little use.

Surgery to increase penis size A number of private clinics now offer operations that claim to make the penis look bigger. The expense of this type of surgery is very great and there is a risk of complications like bleeding, infection or deformity.

One surgical procedure that has become popular in the early years of this century is slicing through the ligament that supports the penis.

This makes the penis dangle more, so it looks longer when not erect. But it will make no difference to the size of your erection – and furthermore it probably won't come up as high as it used to before the op.

Another type of surgery involves injecting your own fat into your penis to make it more bulky. This may not work, and it can lead to complications.

We recommend that you do not agree to undergo any surgery unless you have seen an NHS consultant urologist who feels that you really need penis enlargement surgery.

Penis stretchers (extenders)

Some urologists are beginning to use a special extending frame to try to stretch the penis.

These 'stretchers' are small rectangular frames that you wear on your penis for hours at a time, every day. They pull your organ out to its maximum length, and the idea is that it will gradually remain longer.

The devices are said to be undetectable under trousers.

There have been several reports from Italy and Spain by surgeons who claim a modest degree of improvement in length from this kind of traction.

We don't think these devices are some sort of miracle discovery, but one surgeon reported that a group of men achieved an average increase in length of 1.8cm after using the device daily for four months. This is less than three-quarters of an inch, but for some men this would be significant.

Stretchers cost between £150 and £200.... read full story

For a REAL SOLUTION to small size, read our FREE E-book today.

And when you try our method send us a testimonial. We'd love to hear of your success.

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