Thursday, October 4, 2012

Getting More Sex, Cater to Her Cinderella Syndrome — MarriageCoach1

I was surfing tonight and came across "The Marriage Coach" John Wilder... I like his style. Straight to the point and no holds barred when it comes to giving advice on getting more sex in marriage.

Here's some of just one of his posts I read. It's great advice in my opinion and if your marriage is suffering from lack of sex, connection, and intimacy take this advise.

Getting More Sex, Cater to Her Cinderella Syndrome — MarriageCoach1:
"Every woman from the time that she was a little girl dreamed of “happily ever after” and fantasized about being the princess. You need to cater to that, ESPECIALLY when you are not trying to get sex. If the only time that you pay attention to your woman in any romantic way is when you want to have sex, she will become immune to it and think of it as a chore on her “to do list” and will not be highly motivated to take care of you.
Instead, hug her when you are not trying to get her to have sex with you.  Come up behind her and wrap your arms around her and kiss the back of her neck.  Most women love this.  Send her flowers for no reason other than to remind her of how much you love her.  At night, take her in your arms and do a full body hug and hold it for ten minutes.  Wrap your arms around her and squeeze her breasts against your chest and your crotch against hers and just kiss on her and tell her how lucky you are to have her and how beautiful she is.  Then separate and just go to sleep holding her.  Believe me if you do this, she will be more than willing to make love to you more often."

'via Blog this'

So guys.., if you're in a sexless marriage it's time YOU do something about it.... You need to do everything in your power to "Get Her Back".. if possible.

But you must try, or else suffer the consequences.